The library resources
The library has risen together with the Foundation and is located on
the ground floor of the Foundation seat. It is an essential
instrument for the research activity, especially in the philosophical
field, thanks to an original legacy of about 10.000 units, among
which there are books, reviews, manuscripts and letters left by Prof.
Marcucci. This legacy is going to grow in the future with possible
donations from privates, Italian and foreign researchers.
The Legacy is divided in 15 sections:
- History of Philosophy (Storia della Filosofia - SF):
section contains the works of different authors (up to 1900) and the
relevant critical literature about them; the volumes written by and
about Immanuel Kant are quite numerous, and they are a useful tool
for the research on the philosopher from Koenigsberg;
- Essays (Saggistica - SA): here you can find the volumes of
general character written after 1900;
- Book series (Collane - COLL): this is the collection of the
book series owned, founded and directed by Prof. Marcucci;
- Literature (Letteratura - LETT):
the section contains fiction
and poems of different authors, ancient and modern, starting from the
Greek literature until nowadays, and the secondary literature;
- Arts (Arte - ART): this is the catalogue of the volumes about
modern and contemporary artists (painters, sculptors, etc.) and about
their exhibitions;
- Manuals (Manualistica - MAN): the section contains manuals of
Italian and foreign literature, of history, philosophy and pedagogy
for the school but not only;
- Reviews (Riviste): this section is extremely rich and contains
Italian and foreign reviews, whose first issues are sometimes rare
and difficult to find as they go back to the beginning of past
- Miscellaneous (Miscellanee - MISC):
the [yellow] folders
contain the reprints of reviews and volumes of several Italian and
foreign authors. The section is very rich and useful for the
scientific research on several different aspects of the philosophical
culture, but not limited to it;
- Miscellaneous Silvestro Marcucci
(Miscellanea Silvestro Marcucci - MISC-SM): the [red] folders
contain several reprints of Prof. Marcucci;
- Photocopies (Fotocopie - FOT): the [green] folders contain many
photocopies of Italian and foreign studies, which are themselves
extremely useful for the research in many fields of philosophical and
humanistic culture;
- Degree theses (Tesi di laurea - TESI L):
the many degree theses, supervised by Prof. Marcucci during
his academic career, are ordered
by academic year and student (laureando); there are also the theses
supervised by other university professors, starting from the 1950s;
- Doctorate theses (Tesi di dottorato e di perfezionamento - TESI D):
they are ordered, as for the degree theses, by academic year and
graduate student;
- Ancient books (Libri antichi - LA): this collection is composed
of ancient and rare books, from the 18th and 19th century, owned by
Prof. Marcucci's family;
- Manuscripts (Manoscritti - MS):
the section contains many notes
left by Prof. Marcucci, useful for the analysis of the evolution of
his thought on Kant and other authors he had studied; there are also
his working notes, his university lectures, his seminars, his
notebooks, where he used to write the draft of his works;
- Correspondence (Corrispondenza - CORR): this is the collection of
all the letters written and received by Prof. Marcucci with some of
the most famous researchers and thinkers of last century, among which
there are Luciano Anceschi, Georges Canguilhem, Pietro Faggiotto,
Emilio Garroni, Karl Popper, Valerio Verra.
Sections 1-12 are directly consultable by researchers, as they are on
open shelves; sections 13-15 can be consulted only after written
request to the librarian.